Saturday, December 13, 2008

State of the Nation Pt:1

The one key component that almost all politicians glaze over without any consideration: the home. If you can teach your children the benefit of taking care of themselves and being a contributing member of society, they WILL ALMOST NEVER LEARN. There are a few inconsistencies, situations in which the child had a great opportunity to do NOTHING with their life. Us, for example. I very well could be in a lee county jail for drugs like 60% of everyone that we grew up with, and if you weren’t born with your entrepreneurial spirit and independence (not to mention inhuman work ethic), you would could have become the greatest Lehigh Special of all. For those who were not born with it, there needs to be less of a safety net, and more of a support system. Children need to learn to stand on their own, and work, for Odin’s sake. Seriously. I hate listening to kids (and adults, for that matter) these days. They don’t care. The entitlement that they believe that everything that they want, they deserve, regardless of whether they worked for it or not. Even worse, is those who are beaten down by their surroundings, their family, dragged down by their peers, and never learn to believe in themselves. They spend their entire lives just barely surviving and waiting to die. It makes me sick, and it makes me want to cry.


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