Friday, December 12, 2008

Caylee Marie Anthony

July 15th, 2008, a 911 call was placed by Cindy Anthony. She showed concern that she had not seen her granddaughter for several weeks, and a strange smell gave her cause for alarm.

July 17th, 2008, Casey is charged with child neglect, lying to investigators and interfering with a criminal investigation.

July 22nd, the judge sets a $500,000 bail. Not bad.

August 9th, Caylee would be three.

August 20th, Leonard and Tony Padilla post Casey's bond (what the fuck?)

August 29th, Casey is rearrested on unrelated charges.

Aug. 30th, Casey's new bond is set for charges other than Caylee's disappearance. Regardless of wether or not the new bond is posted, she remains in jail.

Sept. 5, Anonymous $500,000 bond post releases Casey Anthony.

Sept. 15, Casey again is taken into custody, though not for charges concerning her daughter.

Sept. 16, Again, she is released on bond; again, she is fitted with an ankle bracelet.

Oct. 14, Casey Anthony is indicted on seven counts, including murder one, aggravated child abuse, aggravated manslaughter and four counts of providing false information.

Oct. 15, No bond.

Oct. 24, Hair that resembles hair from her daughter's hair brush and chloroform are found in her trunk.

Fast forward to December 11, 2008.

"Judge Stan Strickland postpones the murder trial of Casey Anthony. A new status hearing is set for Jan. 15. Jose Baez files motion to preserve and inspect evidence and forensics in Thursday's discovery of remains found one-quarter of a mile away from the Anthony home."

December 12, authorities state that the remains are possibly that of Caylee Anthony based off the age, size, measurements, and location (less than a half-mile from the home). DNA results should be in within the next 14 days.

I had to listen to that child sing. If your daughter was dropped in a bag in the woods to be pissed on by a meter reader, burn, bitch. I hope you fucking burn. I will smile as you burn, you fucking pig bitch.

***I took all of my info from a Central Florida news website


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